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Get to know... Ben Gough

11 months ago by Ben Gough

Name: Ben Gough
Role: Consultant, Engineering
Joined MorePeople: September 2023

1.Describe your job in three words: people-focused, fast-paced, positive

2.What’s the coolest thing you’re working on right now? Automation Engineer position

3.Which famous person would you love to meet? Matthew McConaughey

4.Favourite drink? Mango Rubicon

5.Best holiday destination so far? Barcelona

6.What are you currently reading? sapiens: a brief history of humankind by yuval noah harari

7.Current favourite song? *equip sunglasses* - Hot Mulligan

8.If you weren’t a recruiter, what would you be? Probably doing a masters

9.If you had to watch only one tv show over and over forever, which one would it be? Brooklyn 99

10.What’s your biggest claim to fame? Coaching derby futsal to 2nd in the national futsal series women’s tier 2 in our first competitive season

11.Where were you born? Huntingdon

12.What’s your proudest moment? Graduating from uni

13.Dogs or Cats? Dogs

14.Which football team do you support? Chester FC

15.What skill do you wish you possess? Time travel

16.What’s your guilty pleasure? Cheese strings

17.What did you want to be when you were a kid? Professional footballer

18.What three things are you taking to a deserted island? Football, water and a knife

19.Do you have any phobias? Heights

20.Where are you next going on holiday? Kuala lumpar, malaysia

21.What’s your least favourite household chore? Laundry

22.Describe MorePeople in three words: Driven, aspirational, expansive

23.What do you love most about your sector? Speaking about new technologies

24.Who inspires you? My family

25.What is the worst job you ever had? Industrial laundry