We understand the industry
MorePeople was founded in 2000 by two passionate foodies with vast experience of working in the industry.
Our team of 30 comprises extremely knowledgeable ex-industry professionals and professional recruiters who are passionate about the sectors.
We support a wide range of industry and trade events to keep up-to-date with industry trends, innovations and challenges.
Our recruitment consultants will feed this industry knowledge into your recruitment strategies, helping you to benchmark your packages and drive your business in the right direction.
Through an annual salary and benefits survey, we gather valuable quantitative and qualitative insights on behalf of the industry, collating these into a comprehensive report for our clients.

We understand your business
We regularly visit client sites to see where and how products are grown, processed or manufactured, spending time with employees to gain a better understanding of the business and culture.
Our focus is on creating long-term relationships with clients, utilising our experience to support businesses to find the right people.
This commitment and industry knowledge gives you the confidence that we have a clear understanding of the demands and pressures faced by both employers and employees in these dynamic and sometimes challenging sectors.
We understand your potential candidates
We have built strong relationships with universities offering food-related courses where we regularly attend careers events, acting as advocates of the industry and raising awareness of our clients and the breadth of opportunities available.
By providing mentor support for students, we are able to engage with the next generation of talent, offering guidance on what employers are looking for and bringing a sense of realism to their career ideas.
Our relationships with the next generation of talent will allow us to help you develop packages to ensure you attract the best candidates in the future.
In addition, we have built a large candidate database over the years. The strength of our candidate network will save you time and money in finding the right people for your business.