Rae recently caught up with David Watson, a Seed Specialist at Nickerson Seeds to hear how the first 14 months have been in his new job role. Interviewing professionals within the sectors we recruit for provides us with valuable, first-hand insights into the realities of work. It helps us to share what necessary skills are required for success, whilst casting light onto the day-to-day requirements of the job. We find these resources to be useful for those wanting to get their foot into this industry; what better way to learn about a role than from someone working it?
What is your role and how long have you been in this area of work?
I have been working in the Agricultural industry for 42 years – working in the supply chain for the last 6 years. I had a brief spell in the biomass industry but now I have been with Nickerson Seeds as a seed specialist for 10 months.
What does a typical day look like in your role?
I start by checking overnight messages which include the sales figures from the previous day. I usually take care of any admin which includes customer relationship management (CRM) and then I am off out onto the farm to talk to farmers to advise, and hopefully sell, the correct seed for their situation. Some mornings are earlier starts, with no admin depending on travelling distance. The role involves a lot of driving so it is important to plan the best logistical route, although in fairness this can be quite difficult depending on priorities etc. Depending on the amount of travel, I can visit between 4 and 8 farmers a day although 4 is more realistic. On arrival home, I always check orders that I might have put in remotely and try to do any relevant CRM.
Usually, one day a week is spent in the office, splitting the day however is convenient. For example, 2 half days but about 8hrs /week to plan, complete functional admin like car mileage, chase up orders and keeping abreast of new products and techniques, internal meetings etc. At busier times this might double to 2 days / week.
What skills, qualifications or experience are essential for someone in your position?
A real interest in and understanding of agricultural production is probably the main attribute for anyone in this role over and above any qualification. Dealing with new varieties and crop systems, as well as changes to support, means that you do need to accept that it is a case of constant learning and continuous development.
After that, you will need a strong personality with the ability to speak politely and authoritatively about how the Nickerson portfolio can enhance the grower's system and improve their profitability. Not being afraid of walking up an unknown farm drive can be quite daunting, but in reality, it is very rare not to receive a warm welcome even without an appointment. In terms of formal qualifications, I do have a BSc in Agriculture, as well as BASIS & FACTS accreditation. There is no doubt that these qualifications do help towards continuous development, but also being perceived as “knowledgeable” by the customer, and showing you are able to discuss matters on an equal footing to competition and agronomists is equally important.
What are the biggest challenges you face in your job?
The biggest challenge would be the ‘competition’ who are often cheaper. This makes it difficult to put over our message of a superior brand, selling superior seed, with a superior service, mainly because of the difficult economic position agriculture finds itself in. It becomes difficult to market at a premium price. The other challenge is the constant changes to agricultural support mechanisms favouring some production systems and disadvantaging others - as well as changes to laws and regulations. A bigger challenge, and opportunity, is of course climate change!
What do you enjoy most about your job?
From being part of a widely skilled team, working from the inception of a new genetic material, all the way through to selling this material on the farm as seed. This means that I can speak to a range of different colleagues who are passionate about their jobs and can give boundless help, advice and support. Also just being out on a farm – especially on a cracking day. Talking to farmers looking after their animals and crops whilst having that feeling that they value your advice and are pleased with the products you have supplied.
What are the career opportunities in this industry?
There are many opportunities to move higher up the ladder both at Nickerson and the parent company Limagrain. In my situation, I enjoy my job to the point where promotion within Nickerson isn’t necessarily of much interest to me, but I am more than happy to take on other areas of responsibility. For example, I cover Northumberland - Durham – Cumbria –& N.Yorks, I also look after the northern area vining pea business from East Yorkshire up to Perth.
Rae recruits for a variety of commercial positions within the agriculture, horticulture and garden industries – Seed Sales Specialists included!
If you are looking for your next adventure then get in touch with Rae, you can reach her on 01780 480 530 or rae@morepeople.co.uk