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Get to know... Olivia

over 1 year ago by

Name: Olivia Buckland
Role: Marketing Executive
Joined MorePeople: September 2023

1.Describe your job in three words: Creative, rounded & exciting.

2.What’s the coolest thing you’re working on right now? Some internal documents for the end of Q4!

3.Which famous person would you love to meet? Grace Beverley.

4.Favourite drink? Aperol spritz in the summer, Espresso Martini in the winter.

5.Best holiday destination so far? Cuba for beauty, India for culture.

6.What are you currently reading? I don't really read unless i'm on holiday, but I do listen to a lot of podcasts!

7.Current favourite song? Hybrid Minds - State Lines.

8.If you weren’t a marketer, what would you be? An air hostess.

9.If you had to watch only one tv show over and over forever, which one would it be? Gavin & Stacey - it was the only thing played in my uni house for 4 years and never failed to make me laugh.

10.Where were you born? Peterborough.

11.What’s your proudest moment? Graduating from uni, 3 out of 4 years were affected by covid but i'm a more motivated person because of it!

12.Dogs or Cats? Dogs.

13.Which football team do you support? My parents would want me to say Arsenal but i'm more of a rugby girl.

14.What skill do you wish you possess? The ability to cut with right-handed scissors.

15.What’s your guilty pleasure? Classical music, helps me get in the zone.

16.What did you want to be when you were a kid? It was something different every week.

17.What three things are you taking to a deserted island? A book, Matches and a knife.

18.Do you have any phobias? Anything with wings, butterflies are the worst.

19.Where are you next going on holiday? Edinburgh, love a city break!

20.What’s your least favourite household chore? Ironing, no matter how hard I try, there.s always more creases left than when I started.

21.Describe MorePeople in three words: Inclusive, driven & supportive.

22.What do you love most about your sector? I enjoy learning about the sector, there's so much I didn't know before joining MP.

23.What is the worst job you ever had? Anything hospitality has always been pretty shocking.