We’re kicking off 2025 getting out and about networking as much as we can, making Q1 very busy indeed!
13th February – The Worshipful Company of Fruiterers Technical Conference
Guy and Luan atended to learn about ‘the use of data in the fruit industry’, chaired by the CEO of City Harvest, Sarah Calcutt. An insightful day with some fantastic speakers and topics!
Luan comments "I really enjoyed attending The Worshipful Company of Fruiterers Technical Conference, where we gained valuable insights into data, AI, and their applications in the fruit industry. We learned how these technologies can help accurately predict and maximize yields while reducing input costs. Additionally, they can assist in forecasting and balancing seasonal fluctuations. The conference also covered the impact of data acquisition and showcased ongoing research in robotics for the soft fruit industry."
21st February – IFST Student Launchpad – Campden BRI
The IFST hosts a number of Student Launchpad events for university students to learn more about grad careers in the food science and technical space, meet professionals working in the food sector and gain skills to help with their CV and interview techniques. MorePeople has been involved with these events for some years, after visiting Sheffield Hallam and Tesco Head Office last year, this February Alex and Adam attended Campden BRI to present on how to get your all-important first job, as well as mentor the students on working in the food industry.
Adam comments; “What stood out the most during the event was the level of talent in the room, they were all curious and passionate about the industry and keen to learn anything they can. Key themes we were asked were mostly following on from Alex’s presentation around CV’s and what to put on CVS’s as a graduate.”
You can read more about the event here
17th March 2025 – IFE London
Of course, everyone in the food industry is aware of or attending this event, and we’re no different! We’ll be there catching up with clients and candidates
Alex said “The International Food and Drink Event is an annual event that MorePeople has had a presence at for many years. It is a fantastic opportunity to see what new products will be hitting the shelves, listen to some interesting debates and catch up with or clients and colleagues in the food industry”.
26th March – MSIN Conference
The Modern Slavery Intelligence Network (MSIN) is a pioneering non-profit collaboration in the UK food and agriculture sector. The UK food supply chain is a high-risk sector for modern slavery and labour exploitation. Intelligence shared by MSIN members can generate new insights and protect those vulnerable to labour exploitation in the sector. Join the MSIN Conference on 26th March bringing together experts in the field to discuss how we ‘disrupt’ modern-day slavery and labour rights abuse in our businesses and supply chains. Delegates will be provided with thought-provoking speeches and panel discussions. Academics, policymakers, retailers, stakeholders and industry experts will share their insights covering various conference themes. Luan and Adam will be attending on the day. You can find out more here
7th April - FoodEx Manufacturing Solutions
A new one for MorePeople that we’re interested in attending. FoodEx Manufacturing Solutions provides a great chance to get under the skin of the food and drink processing, packaging and logistics industries.
“FoodEx Manufacturing Solutions is an event that we are looking forward to attending in 2025. The list of exhibitors looks impressive, and it will be great to catch up with our clients in the food, packaging and logistics space whilst also continuing to learn more about the sector at the same time”.