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Get to know...Charlotte

3 months ago by Charlotte Trayers

Name: Charlotte Trayers
Role: Executive Assistant
Joined MorePeople: September 2024

​​1.Describe your job in three words: Varied, Proactive, Supportive

2.What’s the coolest thing you’re working on right now? I am in the process of developing a comprehensive information pack for each consultant for 2024, designed to support and enhance their achievements as they progress into 2025.

3.Which famous person would you love to meet? Taylor Swift

4.Favourite drink? Pepsi Max (but when I drank alcohol it would have been a pink gin and lemonade!)

5.Best holiday destination so far? Japan! Travelled to Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka and Nara

6.What are you currently reading? Verity, Colleen Hoover

7.Current favourite song? I Can Do It With a Broken Heart, Taylor Swift

8.If you weren’t an Executive Assistant, what would you be? A Wedding Planner

9.If you had to watch only one TV show over and over forever, which one would it be? Friends or the Walking Dead

10.What’s your biggest claim to fame? Meeting Judy Dench and Michel Roux at a restaurant where I used to work

11.Where were you born? Croydon

12.What’s your proudest moment? Purchasing my first home

13.Dogs or Cats? DOGS!

14.Which football team do you support? Manchester City (my dad is Mancunian, there was no other option!!)

15.What skill do you wish you possess? I would love to speak another language, probably Spanish

16.What’s your guilty pleasure? A true crime documentary with some white chocolate

17.What did you want to be when you were a kid? Crime Scene Investigator

18.What three things are you taking to a deserted island? My partner, kindle and suncream (gingers don’t fare well in sunshine!)

19.Do you have any phobia? The dentist

20.Where are you next going on holiday? No where.. I have a wedding / honeymoon to save for!

21.What’s your least favourite household chore? Hoovering

22.Describe MorePeople in three words: Innovative, rewarding and empowering

23.What do you love most about your sector? The recruitment world is new to me, but I love the atmosphere and camaraderie with the team.

24.Who inspires you? My partner!

25.What is the worst job you ever had? DeputyHotel Manager (although it taught me a lot about resilience and patience!)