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Fruit Attraction 2024

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​Fruit Attraction 2024, held in Madrid from October 8-10, is a key event for the global fruit and vegetable industry, attracting over 2,000 companies from 55 countries. The event provides valuable networking opportunities and educational sessions, offering insights into the latest market trends and innovations in the sector.

This year, sustainability was a common theme with a major focus on eco-friendly agricultural practices and reducing the environmental impact. Exhibitors also introduced new fruit and vegetable varieties with enhanced nutritional value, better taste, and extended shelf life.

Richard and Tom went along this year for their second year in a row, Tom Edmondson Matthews comments;

“We travelled to Madrid to attend this year's Fruit Attraction last week. As always, the show was very well attended, despite the weather, which would have been more consistent with Fruit Logistica. There were a couple of noticeable absences from last year, but it was just as busy and everyone we spoke with seemed very happy with what they were getting out of it.

There were lots of presentations and shows going on around us and a few new varieties launching that were grabbing the limelight.

It might just be my perception, but it seemed that there was a lot more technology being showcased at the show compared to last year. Or at least, the tech on show was more varied than last year and showcasing products that were performing more complex tasks. Perhaps driven by the challenging environment that suppliers are seeing with increased costs and shortages of labour.

I enjoyed seeing lots of familiar faces and catching up with people. It’s crazy that we can see more people by travelling to Madrid for a couple of days than we could by travelling around the UK to see people.

There are always things to learn from conversations with people who are so embedded in the industry. A few bits of information were picked up for general knowledge and loads of updated information on clients and candidates alike.”