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Talk at Stamford School

over 1 year ago by

​As a Stamford business, we always seek ways to engage with the local community. We support local retail businesses through our team prizes, sponsor sports teams or give industry knowledge.

On Tuesday, Lawrence our Operations and Rural Professionals Team Manager visited Stamford School to give a Talk to Year 12 students about CVs, careers in the food industry and recruitment as they begin to think about their options post A-levels. He began by introducing MorePeople as a business, what we do and the type of clientele we deal with. He then gave a brief background of his own career, highlighting that his plan 'A' is far from his current occupation and that people are likely to have multiple jobs across different sectors before finding what they like.

As a recruitment business, we see thousands of CV's every year and know what elements contribute to a good CV. Lawrence passed on his knowledge about tailoring CVs to each job application and if the CVs look a little thin, as expected by students as they leave school, to add in events such as Duke of Edinburgh to showcase their skillset. He pointed out that if they didn't know what they wanted to do after completing their studies, is to find out what their passionate about and see if it could be turned into a career.

Networking was also brought to light. Lawrence asked the group to turn to the person next to them and ask what their parents do as a job, showing the students the likelihood that one of their peers has a connection to the same line of profession that they may wish to pursue and the importance of having these connections. He then went on to discuss careers within the food industry, highlighting various graduate schemes.

The session ended with a short Q&A where students were invited to ask questions about anything that had just been spoken about. The students had some interesting questions which Lawrence was able to answer.