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over 1 year ago by India Ball

Name: India Ball
Role: Consultant, Operations
Joined MorePeople: September 2023

1.Describe your job in three words: varied, social, specialist

2.What’s the coolest thing you’re working on right now? Learning about the industry and teams we have here.

3.Which famous person would you love to meet? James Acaster

4.Favourite drink? Vodka lime soda always

5.Best holiday destination so far? New Zealand

6.What are you currently reading? Greg Savage, the Savage Truth ;)

7.Current favourite song? More than my hometown, Morgan Wallen

8.If you weren’t a recruiter, what would you be? Would love to renovate houses one day

9.What’s your biggest claim to fame? I danced with diversity a few times

10.If you had to watch only one tv show over and over forever, which one would it be? Vampire Diaries

11.Where were you born? Peterborough

12.What’s your proudest moment? Moving to Manchester by myself, not knowing anyone.

13.Dogs or Cats? Both!

14.Which football team do you support? None. My whole family only follows F1 so me too.

15.What skill do you wish you possess? I wish I could sing, I have finally accepted I can’t

16.What’s your guilty pleasure? Silly games on my phone that are made for kids

17.What did you want to be when you were a kid? A lolly pop lady apparently

18.What three things are you taking to a deserted island? My mum, a camera and a surfboard (can’t surf currently but I would learn)

19.Do you have any phobias? Small holes, trypophobia

20.Where are you next going on holiday? Paris

21.What’s your least favourite household chore? Washing up, my dishwashers broken, and I miss it so much.

22.Describe MorePeople in three words: fun, collaborative, inspiring

23.What do you love most about your sector? Talking about food

24.Who inspires you? My dad, he's the hardest worker I know.

25.What is the worst job you ever had? Amazon Warehouse