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MorePeople Conference 2023 - GROWTH

over 1 year ago by Natalie Smith

​Last Friday marked our 5th Annual Conference and it’s fair to say it was a huge success.

Held at a fantastic venue at Dyson Farming (where we even got to see the red arrows practicing) and hosted by Sean Sankey from MuchClearer, the theme of the day was ‘Growth’. MorePeople is a fast-growing business and the opportunities available to us all here are massive.

Greeted with t-shirts, goody bags, work books and new fancy branded water bottles, Sean kicked off the day speaking to us about expansion and growth - how change is automatic, but growth is up to you. None of us are the same as we were 5 years ago and chasing down the ‘future you’ is all about meaningful contribution where you’re at now. The team were tasked with lots of thought-provoking tasks for our own career paths, and what could be possible.

This then led nicely onto Andrew & Richard presenting on some more specific MorePeople growth plans, and what growth means for us all! It’s clear and great to see how much is being invested in the business and MorePeople employees.

A really insightful and stimulating day, complete with a team volleyball game and dinner and drinks in the evening!

It’s really an exciting time for the business, if you’re keen to get involved as well, get in touch!