News: Pots of Joy!

Pots of joy!

over 3 years ago by

​MorePeople recently made a donation to the volunteer gardening team at Hinchingbrooke Hospital, enabling them to buy two giant planters for the hospital gardens.

Hinchingbrooke Hospitals garden

The gardens are used by hospital staff during break times and also patients who are able to get out for some fresh air and meet with family. The pots are in pride of place next to a new bench donated by the Captain Sir Tom Moore Fund.

Guy Moreton, MorePeople’s CEO, said:

“We were only too happy to donate these planters to the gardening team at Hinchingbrooke Hospital. I think everyone has grown to appreciate the true value of gardens during the pandemic, even more so for the wonderful hospital staff who have been working so hard. I hope they help to bring some joy to staff, patients and their families as the warmer weather arrives.”

Planters at the hospital